Monday, September 30, 2013

When you're gone..

How do you like your toast in the morning?
I like mine with a kiss
Dark or light?
I'm satisfied as long as I have my kiss

TWB is gone to Melbourne for 2 weeks for work. It was a little chaotic in the airport when we've been told by the girl in the counter that the flight TWB booked wasn't until 8 PM instead of AM. The thought of doing something too silly to be forgiven was tingling round and round our head, especially because it was for a business trip. I'm sure TWB felt the most awful while me worried and hoping he'll be fine. At one point, wishing he was more careful, I acted like a see-I've-told-you! girlfriend for one minute and picked a little few things at my point of view that he lacks, which he didn't appreciate in his panic state.

Later when I got home I kept thinking about him, worrying. Again I can't stop not thinking if only he'd listen to me. Well, it's not that I've always listened to him, but.. hehe.. Anyway, the thing that make me sad probably would be, I wish he didn't have to learn it the hard way. I wish he didn't have to 'suffer' first before understanding or accepting something. And I thought.. I must have loved him so much that I could have this much of empathy. Hahaha..

And that reminds me straight away of my parents. Or to most parents in the world, I guess... I remember how my parents always try to fix everything I do, am doing, have done. They must have a word to say if they saw a little minus. And I would sometimes get annoyed and think 'just leave me alone, I'm a big girl, please let me do what I do'. I had this sudden guilt and grateful at the same time. Because hey I'm like that too to TWB! Which means they're like that purely because they love me and how they, the experienced, wouldn't want me, the unexperienced, to fall in the hole they've seen coming.

However, on the brighter side we have to keep ourself remind that from any mistakes comes the true knowledge. I'm sure TWB learned from this and would be ultra careful for whatever he does.

"I have to have my love in a.m. ... or the rest of my day is positively mayhem.."